Always remember where we came from

Over the past couple of months I feel that my body has let me down in many ways. It made me ill out of blue which meant I had to build myself up again which I wasn't planning to do. However after doing this I've know realised what's important, after having this blog for nearly 6 years and posting about beauty and my story it's important to remember why I do what I do.

I was at a family event yesterday, and after speaking to one of my relatives who actually reads this blog, I suddenly realised that I've kind of lost touch with why I do, what I do. My story is unique and I am very lucky to have a physical condition but still be able to do what I love. That's partly why I set this up in the first place, is to show that even through you have something that could potentially hold you back that doesn't mean that it should. Having cerebral palsy and epilepsy has had it challenges for sure, however it also shown me the strength I have.

I think in the day and age we all want to be perfect and edit our lives to show the best versions of ourselves. However that's not real and that isn't a good example for the next generation. What we should be teaching them is how we can use the things that hold us back to push us forward. I have had so many people in my life tell me that I can't do certain things whether in be a medical manner or to do with the industry I am in. Whether they admit or not you can tell by a person's behaviour and body language that they are judging whether or not it was intentional.

However it's so important to remember our achievements, the things we push ourselves to do in order to get the result we what. I've always said that disability to me is not having the ability to do something, well in that case don't we all have a disability because nobody is perfect. Going back to my point about social media we are in control of what people see, if we don't like a photo or don't like a tweet then we could rewrite it or take the photo again until we are happy with it. While this is a good thing that we do have this control it's always unrealistic because in real life we only have once chance we can't go back and edit something or make ourselves look brighter or remove a scar that we don't like. We are who we are, that's it!

So it's important to remember where we came from why we are who we are and never let anyone tell you otherwise!


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