
Showing posts from 2019

Project panning

This year I've found a huge community on youtube which the project pan community. This community is basically about using up the products you already own instead of constantly buying new things. If you follow me on instagram then you will know that I have two projects going on this year. The first one is my 19in2019 which is basically me trying to use up 19 products throughout the year. Now yes I know that sounds insane however some of the products are a smaller or sample size so that are (in theory!) easier to used up. The second project is a huge community project pan which the graveyard project pan. This was started on youtube and I do mine updates on instagram which quite a few of people are doing. The point of this project is to use up your older projects in your collection or the products that you didn't finished in previous project pan's. These projects have made me realised that it's so hard to use things up. I have so much makeup from years of going

Always remember where we came from

Over the past couple of months I feel that my body has let me down in many ways. It made me ill out of blue which meant I had to build myself up again which I wasn't planning to do. However after doing this I've know realised what's important, after having this blog for nearly 6 years and posting about beauty and my story it's important to remember why I do what I do. I was at a family event yesterday, and after speaking to one of my relatives who actually reads this blog, I suddenly realised that I've kind of lost touch with why I do, what I do. My story is unique and I am very lucky to have a physical condition but still be able to do what I love. That's partly why I set this up in the first place, is to show that even through you have something that could potentially hold you back that doesn't mean that it should. Having cerebral palsy and epilepsy has had it challenges for sure, however it also shown me the strength I have. I think in the day and age

The Evolution of my beauty habits

So for a while now I've been meaning to get on the blogging band wagon but have been unsure how to as it's been quite a while. So I was going to do a favourites to explain what I have been using these past few months, however instead I thought I would talk about something that has been apparent to a lot of people and has been issue with quite a few friends of mine as well. Over the past few years the online beauty community has grown and grown. This is partly because anyone can set up a blog as long as you've got some sort of camera and access to the internet then you set up a blog. However with this growth means there are more and more people talking or writing about things that they have enjoyed or not. Depending on how many followers that person has can depend on how far that information travelled. This is partly how we get "hype up" products because the more and more people that talk about this one product mean the more and people who then want to go buy