
Showing posts from August, 2016

Higher end foundation experience

For years I always thought that I  was always the lightest shade of foundation because I am so pale. However I actually decided to go to a counter to get a colour match to find that I was actually shade darker. As this was my first experience of dabbing into more higher end foundation I wanted to make sure that I had the right colour before spending £20+ on a foundation. However the girl serving me on my local counter was super helpful and tested three shades on my neck which is the best place to test before deciding which shade is best for me. She then gave a little sample pot so that I could try it outside of a department store which is so good and I would definetely to anyone who is debating about buying a higher- end foundation to get a sample pot and test it out in your own environment. After testing it out for a week I decided to pick up a full bottle which was so easy as I already knew what shade I was. The foundation I was testing out is the Clinique Super Balanced make-up in